Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wisteria Hysteria or No One Likes to be Called a Cheater

Okay, fine, be that way. Here are some of our pictures from Filoli.

Also, I do not have a copy of the cool cycling shot on Tristan's blog, and it's the only one of me and my bike from that day. But here's the deal: Last Sunday was the longest ride I have been on since the AIDS Ride in 2000. I rode from home to Filoli, and got there about a half hour before I was due to meet Theresa, Tom and Tristan. Also, as I pulled up to Filoli, it started dumping rain. A normal person would have sought shelter. But that cool yellow jacket I'm wearing? It's called a "Showers Pass" jacket. Cecil recommended it when I declared that I was going to ride to work through the winter, rain be damned. Oops. So last Sunday was the first time my lovely rain jacket had seen a drop and I thought: Whoopeee! and kept going. All told, I did 35 miles and worked up a powerful appetite. And let me tell you, Clif Bars just don't do it for me anymore.


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